International Missions

The vision for Summit Community Church's global participation in God’s mission is to heed this command that Christ gave to the Church to share the gospel to the ends of the earth and make disciples of all peoples. We currently do this through our partnerships in Guatemala and Costa Rica. We seek to train up and resource those in our own congregation whom God has called to go.


Our partnerships in Guatemala strive to reach out to the children of Guatemala’s most violent and impoverished areas, primarily Zone 18, to help them realize their Christ-given potential. These partnerships work to break the circle of gangs and extreme poverty by helping children, and young people see a way forward to a brighter future found in Jesus Christ.

Costa Rica

Our mission experiences to Costa Rica are designed with the family in mind. Our desire is for this experience to be for families and for those who have never experienced international missions before. We desire for families to be on mission together locally and internationally. Our partnership operates in the capital city of San José. Inca Link Costa Rica (ILCR) works to build partnerships with local churches through a variety of youth programs, including Inca Arte (art), Inca Lengua (language skills), Los Tucanes Basketball Club, and more.